Lately ni even bz mcm mane pun i still have time to read novel.Sgt penuhi masa melepak diopis & di uma dengan membaca novel.Overall takes 3 weeks to complete 3 books(lame me).padahal bole abis seminggu je kalau rajin.hahaha.okla kan sebab setiap ari pun dapat abiskan baca novel pun kire da bagus sgt la.SUKSES la kan??hahahah..anywat here are the 3 books i have read sepanjang bulan june.
Owh novel ini sgt best.even its a Malay novel but when a male writer wrote about kesah chenta its been terrific jugak.the storyline ok but being mysteries n susah nak predict.clueless ending die mcm mane.FIY aA + bB ni sebenarnye name watak on the novel and maksudnye the alphabet a & b(small) meaning the watak being friend from zaman teenager to A + B(big) till da besar & kawen aite??hehehe.
novel ni sgt bole predict endingnye.cinta2..konflik2..then kawen.hahaha.standard novel.but i still read.apekah??hahhaah
novel ni best gak but still bole predict yg happy ending.
p/s: mau novel byk2 lagi.mau isi mase membaca so that i can write script very well.heee ;)
nk hlovate lagi???
mari-la-mari! ;)
mcm kenal la novel2 tu...
ooo peminat buku ni... kena hati2 woooo
pergi book fair tak ?? hari tu?
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