I am going to Kluang, Johor for my second assignment. its been tiring naik van TV3 ni coz the seats cannot be adjusted.tegak je.lenguh pinggang makcik ni.huhuhu. It takes 5-6 hours gak nak sampai sane. this assignment different with the first one which were not use khidmat crew but menggunakan stringer johor aje.so in the van only me, Siti(intern from Lim Kok Wing), Cik In and Abg Nasir as a pilot.
Sangat spacious la we all in the van.selesa la ckit even the seats sgtla tak best.sabar je la kan.
the first day arrived rehat2 je.tak start shoot lagi.we stayed at the Naga Hotel(kalau tak salah la kan).paham2 je la condition nye mcm mane.we waited for the stringer to show us the house of keluarga susah tomorrow.
no activity so agak boring la at the first day.
the first day arrived rehat2 je.tak start shoot lagi.we stayed at the Naga Hotel(kalau tak salah la kan).paham2 je la condition nye mcm mane.we waited for the stringer to show us the house of keluarga susah tomorrow.
no activity so agak boring la at the first day.
FIY, this is my first time out with Siti to do the assignment.so starting from this journey i get to know her.she is very nice person,chantek,sporting,cool.em macam2 lagi la yg sgt baik pasal die.i like working with her.

inilah siti nyethe next day after breakfast we waited la for the stringer which i've never meet and of cause tak kenal la kan.hope working with him sgt best.after waited for him about hour gak.die pun sampai from JB.
Ni lah Abg Zulhazri aka cameraman yg sengal ;p
kenal2 semua then start doing our work.go to the first house in the middle of kluang town.tak taula ape name kawasan tu.heeee.meet the family,inteview all that tapi Cik In not really agreed to shoot this family.just folllow the lead la kan.
go to the next house at Kg Haji Manan...

go to the next house at Kg Haji Manan...
this is the family that we agreed to shoot for our episode.Keluarga Khatijah Kamisan which is ibu tunggal yang kene menyara 6 orang anak by herself after suami meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan jalanraya early this year.anak pertama dan kedua terpaksa berhenti sekolah bagi menyara kehidupan family.khatijah which is having a depression and mental illness cannot do work much.anak-anak terpaksa berkorban segalanya.the story of the family already masuk TV3 on 27th of August 2008.
here are some of the activity we did at their house...
here are some of the activity we did at their house...
lots of experince during my journey with the family and the crew which somehow ada yang perlu dirahsiakan and kept to myself only.heeeee.there are some activity yang gambar disnap2 tapi tak dapat ditunjukkan sebab i just selected gambar2 je for this bloggie.
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