The same old problems every year bile nak raya!!!
Decide nak raya mana dulu..
Whether nak raya rumah papa at Tapah or at Cameron(atok house which i grew up there)???
As for me i prefer to celebrate raya at atok's house kerana disana more extravaganza dan happening.Memandangkan i grew up there(stayed with atok from Darjah Lima until da masuk U ni) so lots of nostalgic part which i think sangat-sangat nak beraya disana.
Misses my room.
Misses atok.
Misses my friends.
Misses the environment(obviously).
Misses cousin yang naugthy ittew.
Damn miss everything!!!
Three weeks before raya my sis will call me and asked : "Anum start cuti bile?cuti berapa hari?nak raya mana dulu?nak raya ngan papa ke tak?"
Banyaklah plak soalan kakak aku ni.
All I can say is : "Emmm entahlah anum cuti tak tau start bila.Tak confirm lagi.I let you know next week ok"
Bila dah next week of cause my sis call me back lah kan nak mengconfirmkan soalan yang minggu lepas.
The answer is still the same which actually I didnt sempat pun nak fikir cuti or whatever kerana sangatlah busy.
Keep myself busy actually.Malas nak fikir all the kekalutan ittew which maybe bagi orang bukan susah pun nak buat keputusan whether nak raya rumah papa or kat cameron.
But for me it is reallly important to decide.Banyak hal lah.Dengan makcik tiri ittew.Tak selesa lah.Muncung aje.Arghh damn tak suka this moment.
Kadang-kadang betul kata Shamin yang dia tak amik cuti this raya because malas nak fikir masalah ni lah.
Same all masalah every year.
So one week before raya is coming by. My sis tetap dengan kerjanya nak memastikan adiknya ini raya bersama.
Akhirnya i told her i got cuti selama 9 hari which already started on Saturday.
Settle one problem.
Nak fikir raya mana plak??
Mencari petunjuk from Yang Maha Esa.
And after diskusi segala we decide to raya at Papa's house first then petang raya pulang ke Cameron.
Malas nak fikir benda-benda yang nonsense ittew.All i'm thinking is Papa.
Boleh tak tetiba terberangan yang "If i got married earlier confirm masalah settle because I will balik kampung my husband"..hahaha..Tapi masalahnya BF pun takde lagi.hahaha..Like whatever lah anum..
Berangan kuat.
*Moral of the story : Nothing in the world could be done easily especially making decision.
Decide nak raya mana dulu..
Whether nak raya rumah papa at Tapah or at Cameron(atok house which i grew up there)???
As for me i prefer to celebrate raya at atok's house kerana disana more extravaganza dan happening.Memandangkan i grew up there(stayed with atok from Darjah Lima until da masuk U ni) so lots of nostalgic part which i think sangat-sangat nak beraya disana.
Misses my room.
Misses atok.
Misses my friends.
Misses the environment(obviously).
Misses cousin yang naugthy ittew.
Damn miss everything!!!
Three weeks before raya my sis will call me and asked : "Anum start cuti bile?cuti berapa hari?nak raya mana dulu?nak raya ngan papa ke tak?"
Banyaklah plak soalan kakak aku ni.
All I can say is : "Emmm entahlah anum cuti tak tau start bila.Tak confirm lagi.I let you know next week ok"
Bila dah next week of cause my sis call me back lah kan nak mengconfirmkan soalan yang minggu lepas.
The answer is still the same which actually I didnt sempat pun nak fikir cuti or whatever kerana sangatlah busy.
Keep myself busy actually.Malas nak fikir all the kekalutan ittew which maybe bagi orang bukan susah pun nak buat keputusan whether nak raya rumah papa or kat cameron.
But for me it is reallly important to decide.Banyak hal lah.Dengan makcik tiri ittew.Tak selesa lah.Muncung aje.Arghh damn tak suka this moment.
Kadang-kadang betul kata Shamin yang dia tak amik cuti this raya because malas nak fikir masalah ni lah.
Same all masalah every year.
So one week before raya is coming by. My sis tetap dengan kerjanya nak memastikan adiknya ini raya bersama.
Akhirnya i told her i got cuti selama 9 hari which already started on Saturday.
Settle one problem.
Nak fikir raya mana plak??
Mencari petunjuk from Yang Maha Esa.
And after diskusi segala we decide to raya at Papa's house first then petang raya pulang ke Cameron.
Malas nak fikir benda-benda yang nonsense ittew.All i'm thinking is Papa.
Boleh tak tetiba terberangan yang "If i got married earlier confirm masalah settle because I will balik kampung my husband"..hahaha..Tapi masalahnya BF pun takde lagi.hahaha..Like whatever lah anum..
Berangan kuat.
*Moral of the story : Nothing in the world could be done easily especially making decision.